. The private healthcare sector in Singapore has a huge market with a more exclusive clientele. Private healthcare often attracts individuals in search of more advanced and complicated treatments such as stem cell therapy or specialized cancer treatments The private sector is more appealing and preferred by expatriate citizens as opposed to public for the short wait times and greater availability of services the private sector consists of private hospitals and private insurance. Price level targeting is a monetary policy that is similar to inflation targeting except that CPI growth in one year over or under the long term price level target is offset in subsequent years such that a targeted price-level trend is reached over time e.g five years giving more certainty about future price increases to consumers Under inflation targeting what happened in the immediate past years is not taken into account or adjusted for in the current and future years, 5 Death (88.3) 31.4 SBS Transit, Unconventional monetary policy at the zero bound. .
Czech Republic 4 564 6 574 2 All students are required to participate in at least one CCA (Co-Curricular Activities) as CCA performance is considered for university admission. .
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