1 Characteristics The Tun Razak government announced the New Economic Policy (NEP) in 1971 Its stated goal was to "eventually eradicate poverty. irrespective of race" through a "rapidly expanding economy" which emphasised to increase the Malays' share in the national economy to a reasonable portion between all the races The NEP targeted a 30 per cent Malay share of the economy by 1990 The government contended that this would lead to a "just society" ("Masyarakat Adil") the latter slogan being used to promote acceptance of the policy Quotas in education and the civil service that the Constitution had explicitly provided for were expanded by the NEP which also mandated government interference in the private sector For instance 30% of all shares in initial public offerings (IPOs) would be disbursed by the government to selective Bumiputras The old civil service hiring quota of 4 Malays for every non-Malay's was effectively disregarded in practice; between 1969 and 1973 98% of all new government employees were Malay Five new universities were opened under the NEP two of which were targeted to focus on the poor Malays and Muslims citizens. Average relative humidity (%) 84.4 82.0 83.4 84.1 83.5 81.9 82.3 82.2 82.7 83.1 85.7 86.5 83.5 A symbol of Singapore the Merlion was erected in 1964. The Imperial forces encountered numerous difficulties during the war especially during the campaign in Eastern Japan Headquarters in faraway Kyoto often proposed plans at odds with the local conditions which led to tensions with officers in the field who in many cases ignored centralized direction in favor of unilateral action the army lacked a strong central staff that was capable of enforcing orders Consequently military units were at the mercy of individual commanders' leadership and direction This was not helped by the absence of a unified tactical doctrine which left units to fight according to the tactics favored by their respective commanders There was increased resentment by many lower ranked commanders as senior army positions were monopolized by the nobility together with samurai from Choshu and Satsuma the use of commoners within the new army created resentment among the samurai class Although the nascent Meiji government achieved military success the war left a residue of disgruntled warriors and marginalized commoners together with a torn social fabric, The Plan of the Town of Singapore or more commonly known as the Jackson Plan.
. Main article: Healthcare in Singapore The Taruma and Sunda kingdoms of western Java appeared in the 4th and 7th centuries respectively while the Kalingga Kingdom sent embassies to China starting in 640.:53,79 However the first major principality was the Medang Kingdom that was founded in central Java at the beginning of the 8th century Medang's religion centred on the Hindu god Shiva and the kingdom produced some of Java's earliest Hindu temples on the Dieng Plateau Around the 8th century the Sailendra dynasty rose in Kedu Plain and become the patron of Mahayana Buddhism This ancient kingdom built monuments such as the 9th century Borobudur and Prambanan in central Java. 1.5 Post-Mahathir The Plan of the Town of Singapore or more commonly known as the Jackson Plan, $254 billion in options and other products. .
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