Foreign In 2000 Singapore had a workforce of about 2.2 million With limited access to natural resources Singapore had been forced to invest in its people The country has the largest proficiency of English language speakers in Asia making it an attractive place for multinational corporations Singapore has come along way from where it once stood In the 1970's according to Tilak Abeysinghe "2.4 percent of the labor force were degree holders" by 1990 the number rose to just 6.3% In 2013 the number of labor force who hold degrees has amassed to 31% The nations directive toward high skilled labor jobs has promoted both growth and education to the region the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) the sole trade union federation which has a symbiotic relationship with the ruling party comprises almost 99% of total organised labour Government policy and pro-activity rather than labour legislation controls general labour and trade union matters.[citation needed], The Constitution of Singapore and all laws are written in English and interpreters are required if one wishes to address the Singaporean Courts in a language other than English. English is the native tongue for only one-third of all Singaporeans with roughly a quarter of all Singaporean Malays a third of all Singaporean Chinese and half of all Singaporean Indians speaking it as their native tongue Twenty percent of Singaporeans cannot read or write in English, There is a vast difference in the cost of health insurance hospital bills and procedures from the public to private sector The table below illustrates some of the differences in cost associated with a variety of conditions/procedures! . The U.S currency was involved in 87.6% of transactions followed by the euro (31.3%) the yen (21.6%) and sterling (12.8%) (see table) Volume percentages for all individual currencies should add up to 200% as each transaction involves two currencies. . 11.2.1 Animated illustrations The VHMS protocol had been in operation since 1986 and was also presented by the CAAS to the ICAO on 17 August 2011. Singapore further stated that the Seletar ILS procedure is meant to enhance the safety of the existing flight operations over Pasir Gudang and it does not create a new flight path that differs or deviates from the current air corridor that had been in operations since 1974. Currency carry trade refers to the act of borrowing one currency that has a low interest rate in order to purchase another with a higher interest rate A large difference in rates can be highly profitable for the trader especially if high leverage is used However with all levered investments this is a double edged sword and large exchange rate price fluctuations can suddenly swing trades into huge losses, Demography While the negotiations were ongoing Singapore already prepared for greater water self-sufficiency through an integrated water management approach including water reuse and desalination of seawater In 1998 the government initiated a study the Singapore Water Reclamation Study (NEWater Study) to determine if reclaimed water treated to potable standards was a viable source of water In order to facilitate the new integrated approach the Public Utilities Board which had previously been in charge of water supply only was given the responsibility for sanitation as well in 2001 Previously sanitation had been under the direct responsibility of the Ministry of Environment The new policy was called the "Four Taps": the first and second taps were local water catchments and water imports.
Main article: Politics of Singapore There are more than 300 parks and 4 nature reserves in Singapore There are also many trees planted and almost fifty per cent of the country is covered by greenery Because of this Singapore is also commonly known as the 'Garden City'. Water transport within the main island is limited to the River Taxi along the Singapore River The service was introduced in January 2013 with low ridership. There are also daily scheduled ferry services from the Marina South Pier to the Southern Islands such as Kusu Island and Saint John's Island!
Norman Wohlgemuth Chandler Jeter